Advertise - Salt Magazine

SALT Magazine is an African-Australian Community News Magazine, created to provide print and online news and information on a broad range of issues of interest to the African community in Australia as well as to the wider general public.

Advertising online

Advertising online is easy! With an average of 300 hits per day you are sure to gain great exposure on our website. Get in quick! We are currently running an introductory rate of $150 to advertise for 3 months on our website. Contact us to discuss.

Other online adverting options include:
ONE MONTH advertising 282 pixels x 210 pixels for $75 per month
THREE MONTHS advertising – 282 pixels x 210 pixels for $150
ONE YEAR advertising position – 282 pixels x 210 pixels for $500*

*When you purchase a one year package you are able to change the advert image up to four times in the year. This way you can update your advertising/promotional offers regularly.

Advertising in the printed edition

With a distribution of 5,000 printed copies each issue it is estimated around 20,000 people will be seeing your ad (readership calculated at 4 readers per copy given that the average ‘African’ household has a larger number of people). Your brand will reach a highly-targeted, engaged audience giving your product or service maximum exposure.

Drop-off spots include high-traffic areas such as African shops and restaurants, local libraries, Government departments and agencies, refugee service providers, public events (Multicultural festivals) and other local businesses and cafes.

Add to the mix, our healthy online subscriber community, social media followers and traffic to our website – and you can rest assured your advertisement will be seen by traditional readers and the online world.

If you are interested in advertising in the printed issue of SALT magazine please email