Life in Australia

Welcome to the tenth edition of SALT Magazine.

Over the past three years we have continued to grow our readership and extend our networks to the wider Australian community.

In this edition we have interviewed visiting African artists, a successful Nigerian graduate and a host of African Australian community members who are contributing positively to our multicultural society. The number of young people from our communities graduating from Universities across the country, the growing number of small businesses being set up by African Australians is testament of our determination to be part of the society and contribute to its growth.

It’s also worth commending all the African community members working day and night including long weekend shifts just so that they can provide for their families both here and abroad.

Most of the interviews conducted for this issue have one recurring theme – a concern for the passive neglect of the African continent by those of us who have been lucky enough to find ourselves in Australia and other developed nations. We have immersed ourselves fully to the rigours of western life and it’s easy to forget the problems we left behind and the promises we made to friends and families about helping out when the time is right.

The cost of living and raising a family in Australia is definitely a challenge for all and sundry. But as we tussle our way in this new society we call home, we should not lose sight of our shared responsibility. If we all contribute a little, it will add up. As the saying goes, little drops of water make the mighty ocean.

We should collaboratively harness social media and build interactive platforms to help improve living conditions in our countries of origin. A successful and developed Africa will be a source of joy and pride to all of us.

Lets use the knowledge we glean from this part of the world to advocate for bilateral trade, engage with the Australian Government and businesses to build stronger ties with Africa ,paving the way for younger generations of African Australians to follow in our footsteps.

We have to start somewhere so once again following from our previous editorials, SALT Magazine will reiterate the need for African Australians to network, collaborate and strive for a developed Africa which we can be proud of to take our kids and friends for a visit.

It is also worth mentioning the invaluable support of our volunteer contributors and our subscribers. We thank you all for your support and hope you enjoy reading this issue.


Sidique is the founder of Salt Magazine. He came to Australia in 2001 after fleeing a civil war in his homeland of Sierra Leone. He studied journalism at Fourah Bay College in Sierra Leone and worked as a reporter for the Statesman Newspaper. He studied a Bachelor of Arts specialising in Multimedia Studies at the University of South Australia.

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